Saturday, February 6, 2010

33. Shall we leave our families or leave the love on the families?

Love is nectar created by the Lord and therefore should not be destroyed. The family is a bottle in which this nectar is present. The Lord is another bottle. You need not destroy the first bottle or you need not throw the nectar. You have to simply transfer the nectar from the first bottle to the second bottle. Therefore you neither leave the family nor destroy the love on your family. You are going in a car towards Madras, which is in the opposite direction to Delhi. Your goal is Delhi. You need not scold the car that takes you to Madras. The car is in your control. You can divert the car towards Delhi. The same car will take you to Delhi with the same speed. Similarly the love is dragging you towards your family. The love is in your control. You divert the love towards the Lord and then it will drag you towards the Lord with the same speed. But this love should not be confined to words and feelings only. You are not showing such love to your children. Therefore do not show such love to the Lord also. As you show your love in action, you can show the same love to the Lord also. Therefore, as you are controlling your words and mind before your children, you can control before the Lord also. Similarly, you are not wearing silk clothes, garlands and applying sacred ash on your forehead for the sake of your children, why should you put all this drama dress before the Lord also?

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